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19 Mei 2013

Download OS Korg PA50SD v1.01

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Creating a Korg Pa50SD’s Operating System

To upgrade your Pa50SD’s Operating System, please download the
“Pa50SD_os_v[nnn].zip” file (where [nnn] is the latest version number)
from our web site (www.korgpa.com).

Package contents
The “Pa50SD_os_v[nnn].zip” archive contains this “Loading the OS
and Resources” file and the “Pa50SD_os_v[nnn]” folder, containing
the following three files:

Preparing the Operating System’s card
You will need an empty card, initialized in MS-DOS format. You can
prepare this card either on the personal computer or the Pa50SD.
When the card is correctly formatted, just copy the content of the
“Pa50SD_os_v[nnn]” folder into the card.

Loading the Operating System on the Pa50SD

Please see “Loading Korg Pa50SD’s Operating System” below for
instructions on how to load the operating system.

Creating Korg Pa50SD’s Musical Resource

To upgrade your Pa50SD’s Musical Resources, please download the
“Pa50SD_res_v[nnn].zip” file (where [nnn] is the latest version number)
from our web site (www.korgpa.com).

Package Contents
The archive “Pa50SD_res_v[nnn].zip” contains this “Loading the OS
and Resources” file, and the “BACKUP” folder.

Preparing the Musical Resources card
You will need an empty card, initialized in MS-DOS format. You can
prepare this card either on the personal computer or the Pa50SD.
When the card is correctly formatted, just copy the “BACKUP” folder
into the card.
Note: Do not extract single files from the “BACKUP” folder, or the
resources will not be loaded correctly.

Loading Musical Resources on the Pa50SD

Please see “Loading Korg Pa50SD’s Musical Resources” below for
instructions on how to load musical resources.

Loading Korg Pa50SD’s Operating System

After the card is ready, you can proceed with the update.
Note: You can use the Card > Utilities 1 > Save OS command to create a
backup copy of the installed operating system. Please see the User’s Manual
for relevant information.
1. Turn off the Pa50SD.
2. Insert the system card and turn the instrument on.
3. Follow the instructions in the display. Press ENTER/YES to start
loading the operating system (or EXIT/NO to abort).
4. When the operation is completed, turn the instrument off,
remove the card, then turn the instrument on again.
5. When done, we suggest to delete the system files from the card,
to avoid accidentally restart the upgrade procedure again.

Loading Korg Pa50SD’s Musical Resources
Note: Before restoring the resources, save your User data (Performances,
Styles, Sounds) if any, because all data will be overwritten.
Warning: Don’t play the keyboard while restoring data, and stay in the
Card mode. Wait until the “Wait” message disappears, and the WRITE/
CARD IN USE LED turns off.
1. Go to the Card > Utilities 1 page and select “Restore Data”.
2. The “Are you sure?” message appears. Press ENTER/YES to continue
(or EXIT/NO to abort).
3. Insert the backup card, and press ENTER/YES (or EXIT/NO to
4. When the backup has been loaded, the Musical Resources have
been loaded into the internal memory.
5. When the Wait message has disappeared, and the WRITE/
CARD IN USE LED has turned off, turn the instrument off,
remove the card, then turn the instrument on again.


Hendrik ArrangerPosted By Hendrik Arranger

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